Wow. I reached the end of the year! Didn't expect that!
So much has changed over the last year it is unreal, I'm glad I picked this year to be the year to blog, so I can keep a record of how far things have come. It seemed to go from one extreme to the other, the end of the year being the good extreme. I mean this photo speaks the truth -

I have learnt so much, lost so much, gained so much over the last year. I could write for pages about how much my life has changed since the first of January 2010, but it would take ages, plus I would be getting highly personal. Thank you 2010 for being the best year of my life so far, even though it started out horribly.
Thank you God!
I will not be continuing this blog next year, so I hope you appreciate this final day of Project 365! I hope you have enjoyed my blog altogether. It has been fun to do. I may make a new blog... we'll see!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a 2011 Spade List to write!
Jo out.