I sat on the prom today after my opticians appointment. The waves were gently lapping, the mis blocked the view of the mountains. Newcastle was pretty deserted. It was wierd. A Newcastle I hadn't seen in a long time. The tourists had left with the summer and now there wasn't much left, just the empty beach and occasional passer by. I was glad of the quiet though. My appointment didn't go well.
I've often joked that I have malfunctioning tear-ducts, because I can't cry in public...
"oh Jo and her malfunctioning tear-ducts!"
Well today I was informed by my optician that I genuinely do have malfunctioning tear-ducts. The irony. My eye infections that I've been getting quite a few times this year? Not eye infections. Turns out my tear ducts don't release enough fluid when I blink, so my cornia is very dry. So when I put my lens in, it scratches at my dry patches and inflames my eye. Hence the stinging, bloodshot eyes. So I've been given artificial tears so I can artificially cry four times a day for the next two weeks. After that I'll be told whether I can ever wear lenses again...
I hate my -7 short sighted, conjunctivitis-prone, tear-duct malfuctioning eyes.