
Day 153 - Walking Through Narnia...

I went into school today for a wee while just while to pick up some stuff / drop some stuff off. You know, there is nothing to do in Downpatrick! Vikki and I waited around for an hour for the bus to come to take us home... seriously Downpatrick... get yourself something fun! ... like a playpark!! :D

Ah well, I got the Dundrum bus home which involved walking home for about 2 miles, but that didn't bother me. My normal bus home (Castlewellan) has a tendency to be temperamental and one time I was left to walk 2 miles on a dangerous main road. Scary!! But walking home from Dundrum means country roads, hardly any cars. It's also a very pretty road!
I happened to have my camera with me, so I snapped some pictures on my favourite road - the Moneylane Road, a.k.a. Narnia. It's called Narnia because it takes you from my road directly to my friends house, and you reach the end of it and say "Woah!! How did I get here?? I was just at Jo's house!!" The above picture is the view of the Mourne Mountains from Moneylane. I love the sky in this picture.
Cow parsnip grows all along the roads along where I live, it's hard not to see it when you're out for a walk! It's a really dainty little flower and rather pretty! :)And finally this is a picture of a tree I have to stop and admire every time I walk past... it's so pretty.


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