
Day 169 - Sweet Sixteen For Sweet Sarah!

Water fights are fun! That's what I did today! It was my best friend Sarah's birthday party which was a lot of fun! Her birthday party never fails to mark the start of summer... I love it. There was mucho bant to be had... lots of fun and games and messing around and swimming and chocolate and laughing and some great conversations too! A lot of the people there I didn't know very well but it was a good chance to get to know them better, and I like those kinda oppurtunities! Below are some more pics I took today... the first one being Sarah, the next some sort of plant I found on the rocks and last, a group pic! (I'm in the hammock... wearing my favourite socks wooo! They have ducks on them!)
Also... my provisional license arrived today! Booyaa! I shall be properly hitting the roads soon! Drove a bit tonight, braking is currently a major issue... I just can't do it haha! I'm sure I'll get better soon though (I hope!)


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