
Day 173 - Edit Like Crazy!

So there are days when you're doing Project #365, and you just don't know what to take a picture of... so you doodle in your notebook, take a photo of it and then edit it like crazy on Photoshop to make it look even slightly more interesting... yup! That's what I did today!I figured this doodle represents my lack of inspiration...

Despite the way I look in the overlay of this picture I had a good day today! My first thought after waking up this morning (well after the expected "oh my gosh I am in so much pain why did I walk up various mountains with very little suncream on it burns so much and i can't move my neck but wow that was a fun day... ouch" thought) was "hey! I want to make some brownies today!". So that's what I did today - make brownies! :)


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