May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rain fall soft upon your field
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
(A Celtic Blessing - appropriate!)
Bill, we wish you all the best with your future.
Tonight was Bill's leaving party, he heads back to America in the morning. I was meant to be at a Duke of Ed meeting at my house, but I really didn't want to miss it. I'm glad I went though. We're all gonna miss Bill... he's a great guy and has made a big difference here! :) We love you Bill! Thanks for a great 7 months!
Do you know what 'Goodbye' really means? It means "God Be With You". I like that a lot better!
When the party was over I arrived home at about midnight, not exactly happy, and walked into my room. At first glance, it was a mess. There was stuff all over my bed, and I thought, oh no, someone has been rummaging through my stuff! Who knows what they've seen! I wasn't in the mood to do much about it, so I sat down on my bed and left it a wee while. When I got up a while later, I realised that, no, someone hadn't ransacked my room.... my bed looked like this -
Yep! That's a pile of junk on my bed that spells out the word 'Hi'. I smiled, and then noticed that this was not the only thing different about my room... apparently my friends, Sarah and Jayne, who were at the DOE meeting had come into my room and left me little messages everywhere! Here's just a few -
Isn't it funny how it'll be the little things people do for you that make you smile the most? I love my friends!