
Day 103 - Photoshop or Photobooth? Hmmmm...

There were shouts of "good luck for your art exam!" all around us as we walked to the classroom. We thanked them, replying with "I'm so stressed, I don't know anything" / "I haven't picked up a book!" / "No one has revised!" We were then reassured by our friends, telling us that everything would be okay, and inwardly we laughed ("hahahaha" or "LOL" but not "hahahaha LOL") because we knew that an 'art exam' was just an art class that lasts all day. The stress of it all haha ;)

So I spent all day working on the computer on some of my Photoshop pieces. Sitting watching a screen all day is draaiinninnng..... so near the end of the day I few friends and I got distracted by Photobooth on my friend Corinne's Mac... so these are gonna be my pictures of the day!

I don't want to have to spend another whole day in the art room tomorrow... well I'm planning to bring a lot more food this time to keep me sustained!

Hope you had a nice day! :)


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