
Day 96 - To The G-Mobile!

I slept over at Sarah's house last night... I *heart* her! She is to me like grapes are to grass.

We watched New Moon last night, as I never got a chance to see it in the cinema. I'm glad! Never before has a movie bored me so much. I kid you not. *shakes head in disgust* ah well....

So funny story - (this happened yesterday, but I forgot to talk about it yesterday then)

I'm in a shop, minding me own business. A reasonably attractive shop assistant is serving Sarah at the till, but he turns to talk to me -

Reasonably Attractive Shop Assistant - Hey, did you go to Canada?
Me - Uhhh... no.
Reasonably Attractive Shop Assistant - Oh. You sure?
Me - Yep! Pretty sure!
Reasonably Attractive Shop Assistant - Oh, that's okay. I just thought because of your T-shirt...
Me - (looks down at my relatively normal T-shirt and fails to see how it could mean that I went to Canada)

Oddest conversation with a complete stranger? Possibly.


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