
Day 65 - The Nicest Angry Mob I've Ever Met.

Today I was acting in Sophie's Moving Image Arts film again! It was fun... slightly more stressful than last time though! I guess that's cause it's the real thing this time! =/ Well my acting involved me looking sad, then looking lost, then looking terrified, then looking dead. Most of it was fine, but "looking dead" involved me lying on a forest floor with my face in the mud / leaves for a good five minutes while Sophie took her time getting different angles of me sprawled on the ground! Aye right, "different angles" my ass... she just enjoyed me having to have my face buried in the ground without moving for 5 minutes, right Sophie? She agrees.
The pictures are of Sophie prancing about in the forest, by the way... it still makes me laugh looking at them!

Tonight was also a good night =) Mich, Sophie and I were standing around in Newcastle and we saw this large group of people walking towards us. Of course the natural thing that came into our heads was "Oh my gosh! An angry mob!!" and so we cowered slightly in fear. Don't laugh. You would have been scared too. Later on that night, after Sophie had gone, Mich and I were walking along the prom and we saw them again. Bad times!! So we walked past them, and heard them talking / laughing in American accents. After about 10 seconds of walking past them we stopped, turned round and said "They're American!!" So we ran back to them and asked them if they were from Cincinnatti Christian University (CCU), as we were expecting a group of them soon. They were. =D so Mich and I joined the happy mob for a while and got chatting to them! =) Nicest angry mob I've ever met! Hopefully get to see them more soon!


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