
Day 66 - Photoshop Addiction Much?

So I realise that I've been doing quite a bit of editing recently, so I've decided today I was gonna give you a before and after pic. I was at my cousins house today and took a picture of myself in their mirror. Here's the before pic. Not that exciting really. So I opened it on Photoshop and was in a random mood so put the "Brightness" up as high as it could go. It pretty much turned out like the "after" picture below, except the painting and light were visible. So I took those out and am pretty pleased with the results actually! Hopefully I'll stop this drastic editing faze soon...

I have a distinct lack of Emzy-Doodle in my life right now. Emma "Emzy-Doodle" Thompson is my cousin / best friend / awesome person and I haven't seen her since New Year.... (she was working today). I love you Emzy!




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