
Day 86 - Snow Tubing Without The Snow.

This is the awesomeness that is snow-tubing! Imagine that rubber ring slide at your local swimming pool, but on white grassy / carpety stuff outside. It's a lot of fun! This is what we did today... I went down for a few slides, but then found myself a good place to stand and got some action shots of my friends! Some of the facial expressions were pretty hilarious! After a while, we started having group slides, making star shapes,
cross shapes, flying Vs and just plain massive multi-slides! It was a lot of fun! We spent the rest of the day getting kicked out of shopping centres, building forts and shouting "my chair!" Of course there were the serious asepects too... the speaker for the weekend is very good; I've been left feeling both challenged and inspired. =)God bless.


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