
Day 1 - 'The Teenies'... that's odd!

So it's 2010... I'm still trying to work out whether it's "two thousand and ten" or "twenty-ten". Maybe just to be more confusing people will start using Roman Numerals all the time and start calling it MMX.

Anyway, before I start rambling over the name of the year...I'll explain myself. I've started a blog (this is it, by the way) for various reasons. Last night, or rather, earlier this morning, a few friends and I composed what we called our "Spade Lists". It's a list of stuff we wanna do before the end of 2010, for example:

#2. Learn to play the ukelele,
#7. Watch the sun rise on the beach,
#11. Buy a cowboy hat (a proper one),
#20. Drive a car.

It's called a Spade List because it's kinda like a Bucket List, except that's slightly depressing 'cause it sounds like we're gonna die at the end of it. So I have a list of 30 things on my spade list. One of them is -

#21. Create a blog.

Hence why I am now talking nonsense in this little space. Believe me, you're gonna read a lot of nonsense here. So this blog is hopefully gonna be about me fulfilling my 30 things on my list, or not fulfilling them. Another main part of the blog is gonna be based on number 26.

#26. Project 365.

Project 365 is a project where you take a photo every day for a year. I guess it's a good way of looking back over your year and how much (or little) you've done. How sentimental/nostalgic! So apparently doing this also makes you a better photographer - that would be very useful!!

So yeah... here's todays photo - if you can't tell it is meant to be the number '2010'. And that is my Spade List underneath it! If you're really sad/desperate to know you might be able to guess at least the first fifteen on my list if you turn your head to the side and meake a well educated guess at what some of the words are. I wouldn't bother if I were you!

So how do you end a blog? Maybe I guess I'll just say "I'll keep you posted"... like you're really interested and everything! Who even reads blogs out of interest??

Jo out.


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